Monday, October 3, 2016

What kind of gamer am I? Well I guess this shouldn't be a surprise....

So in my wanderings looking for some good bloggers and sites to start my other other project; aside from painting minis with my friends, I'd like to create a tabletop board game. I know, right? What the hell does that mean? I don't know exactly, but I'm going to give it the old college try.

So me being me, there's a lot of research I've been doing, and clearly a lot of opinions abound on the interwebs. I'm working through Reddit, and some blogs, but one site that I was immediately impressed with is Quantic Foundry (probably because they are social science data nerds like me). 

So I started with their original 5 minute survey on online gaming style. This is a pretty brilliant survey approach since they can collect some demographic data and then get me to answer a bunch of questions because I am motivated to see where I land and potentially learn about new games that would fit my gaming style. So here's the first set of results:

Consider me flattered :)

In another 3.5 D&D campaign (and hoping we get back to one day), I think the sense of community with my gaming group, the fact that we're a mixed age group, and that we're all pretty nice, smart people really matters. So in terms of tabletop gaming, here is how I fared...again, quite accurate, imho: 

What is really interesting is that in r/l, I'm definitely one of the least conflict averse people I know. I don't enjoy conflict for conflict's sake, but if I have to do some ass kicking, I will. And, in turn, I have had my ass kicked plenty of times, so I've learned that if you engage in conflict as a tactic or strategy, the more real world consequences it has on you and your world. I wonder if people who have to deal with conflict (physical, political, social, emotional) everyday would choose games that mimic those situations/contexts in their gaming life? 

As the chart above chart reflects, in my gaming life, I avoid conflict almost completely. For example, I never thought that PvP was fun, and backstabbing or trying to get your party members killed isn't fun either. Now I do like games where there is some social manipulation involved. Diplomacy, The Resistance and Sheriff of Nottingham are all time favorites of mine. Diplomacy is super old school - I wonder if I could talk the guys into playing it with me again one of these days? Here's a tutorial on Diplo - this is more of a reminder to me to read back up on the rulez:

Now Resistance and SoN are much newer games, and quite fun. Aside from the fact that I have finally forgiven Wil Wheaton for his TNG character AND the fact that he has turned out to be one cool-ass, very cute, middle-aged dude, I'd love to play a game of Resistance one day with my buddies, but you need a minimum of 5 players for this to work. Wesley, I mean, Wil, has a channel called TableTop on YT and he is totally "Crushing" it with 1.4 million subscribers. Ok, I'll stop with the TNG puns now. 

Ok, hope everyone has a great Monday!

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